Tuesday, February 26

Life on a Friday night


Beklager mangelen på oppdateringa lately. Har hatt det travelt med skole, lekser, en bokrapport og et prosjekt (Hawaiian project, tilsvarer 'Heimbygda' - til og med innlevering samme dag :D).

Uansett, ej tenkte kanskje ej skulle fortelle litt om ka som skjer på fredag kveld.

Da he Ieru (To'omua, han vi bor sammen med. Han og kona e internasjonale ledera for ei gruppe som driv med 'the redemption of culture', Island Breeze.) stukke innom kjøkkenet på basen (universitet), ettersom han he en venn der som konstant ber han ta med seg mat heim til oss (vi bor ikkje on-base).
I tilfelle du ikkje he Samoans i din nære sirkel, bør du vite at Pacific Islanders lika mat. Meir enn det, det viktigste for dei e at akkurat du he det bra, og at du he det du treng.
Så; kvar fredag he han med seg DEN kassa med mat, og tonnevis av banana! Her e Ieru på jobb:

Han jobbe med å ta ut grisen fra ovnen (imu-en) for Island Breeze Hawaii.. Dei he nemlig en lu'au, en slags fest eller oppvisning, for turistane her. Den beste på øya btw :)

Hi guys,

sorry 'bout the few updates lately.. I've been so messed up with school, homework, a bookreport (Is That Really You God by Loren (Cunningham)) and a project on Hawaii.

Anyway, I was thinking I'd tell you about what happens every Friday night.

Then, Ieru To'omua, the guy we're living with (he and his wife are the leaders of Island Breeze International - a ministry of redeeming cultural expressions), goes doen to the kitchen on the base. There, a close friend of his is working, and is telling him to stop by and get food from it, as we live off-campus.

Now; in case you don't have any Samoans in your close circle of friends; there are two things you should know: They like food. Lots of it. Also, their number 1 priority is that their friends have all they need and are doing well. So; every Friday night he comes home with a HUGE box of food, and loads of bananas.


Ieru works at the local hotel a few nights a week, making a traditional meal for the Island Breeze lu'au, out of an oven called an imu.

This lu'au also contains a performance from the different islands of the Pacific, from the Hawaiian hula to the Maori (New Zealand) Hakka (war-dance). Wow- and Ieru got us 'free tickets' - meaning; he bought tickets for us as a gift.

Also, Ieru kept turning to us while he was doing the pig, posing for my dad's video camera :P He loves watching himself on video in the evenings, lol :P (he's not self.centered, but we like to make jokes about how handsome that guy in the lavalava is :D)

I need to go cook some eggs for myself before they get home...

Take care guys. Love ya!

1 comment:

Val. said...

wow that sounds amazing, there's no way you'll ever forget your time here. :) aw I'm happy thinking about that.