Sunday, December 23

When, where and what!


Slapp av - har'kke reist enda ;).. Tenkte bare e skulle skrive litt om forventningane jeg har til USA-turen - og litt om hvordan opplegget blir.
Eg ska reise 1. januar (AKA 1. nyttårsdag) kl. 10 - altså blir det ikke særlig masse rom for festing inn i de seine nattetimer på nyttårsaften. :P

Vi skal, så vidt jeg veit, reise fra Vigra til Gardermoen, så til København, Seattle og San Fransisco der vi skal overnatte ei natt. Dagen etter skal vi direkte til Kona.

Vi ankommer University of the Nations-basen samtidig som studentene (altså starter kurset dagen etterpå). Der borte skal jeg gå på UofN sin Foundation School (grunnskole) - nokke som blir veldig spennende å finne meir ut om... ;)

E tror det blir ei utrolig bra periode - har forventningarrrr om å vokse masse som en person (oh man det hørtes.. Ja, ut :P) og selvfølgelig få masse knallgode venner (afterall - hvem har vel hørt om noen som har vært på en UiO/YWAM-base og ikkje fått seg gode venner? ;-)).
Kommer forresten mest sannsynligvis til å skrive litt mer om 'expectations' i den engelske delen under.. See ya ;)


(NB: Hvis du vil finne på nokka før jeg drar - now's the time!! :D)


Hi there!

Relax, I haven't left for Kona juuust yet ;). I just got the excellent idea to write a little about my expectations and stuff before I leave (and do a comparison when my time in Kona comes to an end) - along with a bit info about how this thing is gonna work.

I'll be leaving at 10AM on January 1 (AKA New Year's Day) - which means there won't exactly be much of an opportunity to party my way into the new year. :P
We'll be taking this route: Vigra (Ålesund) - Gardermoen (Oslo) - Copenhagen - Seattle - Los Angeles where we'll be spending the night - Kona.
I'm arriving in Kona the same day as the students for the spring term, so we'll probably come in with the same plane as the All Nations - All Generations students (my parents will be staffing that DTS, which is the reason for us leaving.. In case you didn't know:-))... (Hopefully we'll be sitting at the left side of the aisle, as Peter Jordan, one of the leaders for the course, tells us there's been an early snow this year.. ;))

When safely arrived in Kona, I'll be attending UofN's Foundation School, which will be a very thrilling experiencea, since I don't have much info about it at the moment, except for what you can find over at UoFN's official site.

My expectations are... To be able to sit at the feet of so many experienced people (for instance - Loren & Darlene (Cunningham) will be there.. :D Some of you will remember I got to interview him last May??), and get to learn so much, from both other people & God.. Oh and offcourse, make tons of new friends - afterall, who ever heard of someone going to a YWAM base (even if for just one week) and not making any friends? ;)

As a last note - there's going to be InTouch gathering (for ex-YWAMers, people familiar to it.. etc) in the end of February. I know some of the people who have been involved with YWAM Associates here in Norway are planning to/praying about going to it (some have even ordered tickets) - including some of my family's best friends.
Why don't you consider it aswell??? :D We'd all love to see you there!! If you wanna know more, you can leave a comment or something, and I'll give you the info needed ;).

Lottsa love,